HMR Referrals matches GPs with Accredited Pharmacists to provide continuity of care and improve clinical outcomes for patients by conducting Home Medication Reviews (HMRs).
Medication-related harm is a critical issue in healthcare, encompassing adverse drug reactions, medication errors, and complications that jeopardise patient safety and lead to increased healthcare costs.
1 in 2 People aged 65+ taking 5+ medications
88% Likelihood of an adverse drug reaction if taking 5+ medications
66% Reduction in falls risk when removing high-risk medications
HMRs conducted by pharmacists can reduce medication-related problems and improve adherence. HMRs are also associated with a reduction in hospitalisation rates for older people living in the community. HMR Referrals is a SaaS platform bringing GPs and Accredited Pharmacists together to improve clinical outcomes for the patient, whilst also increasing clinic revenue.