How eazense (Powered By SOFIHUB) Is Changing the Way We Deliver In-Patient Care


  Since announcing our exclusive distribution partnership with Swedish company, Raytellingence, developers of eazense, CARETEQ is pleased to be sharing the first in a series of informative videos showcasing the capabilities of this unique monitoring system. eazense – powered by Sofihub, employs new radar technology that provides continuous non-intrusive fall detection monitoring, allowing care resources […]

Careteq – Signs Agreement With Raytelligence, Sweden

CARETEQ Continuing their journey of designing and commercialising assisted-living technology products for a global audience CARETEQ are proud to announce a distribution partnership with the Swedish company, Raytellingence, developers of a ground-breaking radar sensor that offers unique detection capabilities called eazense. Complementing the SOFIHUB home & beacon range, as well as aligning with many other […]

Aidacare & Sofihub Partnership

For over 25 years, Aidacare has been providing specialised equipment and services to the Aged-Care, Community Care, Disability and Rehabilitation sectors. As a well-established NDIS provider, Aidacare works with the client, their families, and NDIS case managers to bring the very latest technology to their clients across Australia. We are excited to enter into this […]